Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Spiritually Minded Person

Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace

The carnal mind is at best trying to please GOD by doing something in the flesh. That something depends on what religion a person follows. THAT CARNAL MINDSET BRINGS DEATH.

Biblically speaking that carnal mind isn't really pursuing GOD at all but pursuing self or a self made god. Often this person doesn't even consider GOD because the fleshly appetites rule their life

When Adam was created he was formed out of the dust, a body of dirt. Then GOD breathed on him and he became a living being. As a living being, he had a spirit, a mind (soul), a body. 1st was his spirit meaning he was spirit led he was aware of and drawn close to GOD.When Adam sinned he became fleshly, no longer spirit lead but body led, he became body, mind, spirit. Now instead of having GOD 1st he had himself first. His fleshly appetites began to rule, proven by his desire to hide his nakedness from GOD. He did want to be open and honest before GOD.

The spiritually minded person has life that leads to peace. Living in harmony with GOD and HIS plan.

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A Ministry from calvarychapeldallas.org

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