Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reckoning Ourselves DEAD TO SIN.

Romans 6:11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

:: yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, and alive to GOD. Not just dead to sin! Reckoning is counting something as happened. It is faith in action ignoring circumstances & feelings.

Back in verse 6 it said, knowing this, that the old man was crucified. The death that we die spiritually is a death by crucifixion. In order to be crucified, we must have someone's help,
one can't crucify themselves.
So I must go to GOD with the thing that I need to die to and it is there that I will find the ability to come alive to GOD.

Normally when we come alive to sin we try and hide from GOD. We ignore HIM, we avoid HIM, we pretend HE’S not there... ... THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF RECKONING OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN.

And if we don't we are alive to sin and dead to GOD.But I could be and should be alive to GOD and dead to sin.

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